Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Breastaurants" trend shows the lack of morals.

Inside Edition has aired a story that I can't begin to understand! Restaurants are taking note from the ever popular "Hooters" and requiring they're waitresses to dress in skimpy outfits and parade around flaunting what God made to be seen only by a Godly Husband. I can't even imagine how much pain this causes God to see. Women were not created to be eye candy or stars in the fantansy of sexually immoral men. I want opinions on what you think of this new trend. Personally I see the rapture coming soon. The imoorality of America is overwhelming. I once heard a quote that said "If God doesn't come back soon he's gonna have to apologize to Sodom and Gohmorra" and I agree.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Standing alone

When God puts things on my heart I do not ever want to disappoint him, but sometimes even I fall. For a slight second I get worried about what some people think. I shouldn't. The only one who should ever matter is God. That being said, I don't say anything just to offend others. I say things that God convicts me to say. That being said, I believe that Satan uses things easily accepted by society to lure the human instincts out of Christians. Examples like "Magic Mike" and the "50 Shades of Gray" series are growing rapidly. I know that it's so very accepted by today's society, but so is divorce and premarital sex. The number of christians "accepting" this is astounding. I won't lie, at first I was interested. Then, I read a message this girl had written reminding me that God does not want trash like that in my head. I am much greater than looking lustfully at a man who is half naked or day dreaming about sexually immoral things. I know it's not a popular thought, but I don't want to watch stuff like that or read stuff like that. I'd rather be the outcast. If God came back today, would I really want him to look at me reading "50 Shades of Gray" or watching "Magic Mike" ? Remember that God knows our every thought and our heart. I don't want mine to be filled with garbage that brings me down. I'd rather serve my God.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today I feel amazing. There are things going on in my life. For a long time I've been struggling. I am happy to say that I have a God who forgives and loves me when I do wrong and corrects me. I am blessed that he sent me a man to lead me in our relationship and be a strong honest christian man. I have an amazing family and future in-laws. I have a very supportive church family. I also have great friends that are old and new. I am just blessed in every way. Today I wanna praise him and grow stronger. I wanna be the christian I was made to be. Keep the faith. Be Blessed!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beauty :)

Every commercial, magazine, media anything, etc... says that you have to work to be beautiful. You must fix your hair right, wear the perfect make up, and dress to impress even in your SLEEP! Why? Why sould we always have to work at feeling beautiful. Now given, I often have to remind myself to stop judging how I look and remember I am beautiful just the way God made me. It's often hard. So this is my step out today. This is a picture of me with no make up, hair up, t-shirt, and a jacket. And you know what's awesome? I look at this and know that I am BEAUTIFUL. Not because my looks, but because I have a beautiful heart and my God made me. Everything God creates is beauty. God made me. God made you. Think about it! Challenge for today or anyday! Go out without your make up. Go out with your hair in a total mess. Don't put on that cute shirt and high heels. Try sweat pants. The better you feel when you look what you believe to be your worst, the better you'll feel every day of your life. Be blessed!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hold On!

Sometimes in life, this is the hardest thing to do. When you struggle to live day to day, when money is tight, relationships are strained, jobs are difficult to find, and you just get weak. I know personally how it feels to say "God, take it" and still be trying to hold onto it myself. He will never let us go. He will pick us up and carry us. Sometimes he just needs us to be weak so he can show us how strong he is. Right now I need to have this on a post-it note on my forehead so I don't forget and sont lose faith in him.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Stand!

I'm not perfect.I have fallen too many times in my life. When I was 14 I found God. Since then I have struggled to be a teenager who lives for God. I messed up and have gone through times where it was like I had no conviction of right and wrong at all. Now, 4 years later I am blessed beyond what I ever thought I could be. I am still struggling. I find myself too often dancing in sin and then feeling the stabbing guilt. I am taking a stand. Secretsey is a blog that I thought up as an idea to reveal my personal secret struggle against Satan. **IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH WHAT I POST IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD. THIS IS FOR ME TO DEAL WITH MY LIFE! I hope this can help others along the way who struggle like I do to realize they're not alone and that Jesus is walking with them just as he is walking with me. Keep ALL NEGATIVE comments to yourself. They will be removed!**  This is my first blog and it is my second step towards standing up against Satan's attempts to pull me from God. All prayers are appreciated and feel free to share your stories as I share mine. Be blessed world and take a stand! Amen.