Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beauty :)

Every commercial, magazine, media anything, etc... says that you have to work to be beautiful. You must fix your hair right, wear the perfect make up, and dress to impress even in your SLEEP! Why? Why sould we always have to work at feeling beautiful. Now given, I often have to remind myself to stop judging how I look and remember I am beautiful just the way God made me. It's often hard. So this is my step out today. This is a picture of me with no make up, hair up, t-shirt, and a jacket. And you know what's awesome? I look at this and know that I am BEAUTIFUL. Not because my looks, but because I have a beautiful heart and my God made me. Everything God creates is beauty. God made me. God made you. Think about it! Challenge for today or anyday! Go out without your make up. Go out with your hair in a total mess. Don't put on that cute shirt and high heels. Try sweat pants. The better you feel when you look what you believe to be your worst, the better you'll feel every day of your life. Be blessed!

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