Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today I feel amazing. There are things going on in my life. For a long time I've been struggling. I am happy to say that I have a God who forgives and loves me when I do wrong and corrects me. I am blessed that he sent me a man to lead me in our relationship and be a strong honest christian man. I have an amazing family and future in-laws. I have a very supportive church family. I also have great friends that are old and new. I am just blessed in every way. Today I wanna praise him and grow stronger. I wanna be the christian I was made to be. Keep the faith. Be Blessed!


  1. I love the posts you have put up so far! I hope you continue! God Bless YOU! x

  2. Thank you! It really means alot that my blog is touching someone! Please spread the word about my blog (I'm kinda new at this) and I love Feedback!! Thank you and God Bless
