Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Stand!

I'm not perfect.I have fallen too many times in my life. When I was 14 I found God. Since then I have struggled to be a teenager who lives for God. I messed up and have gone through times where it was like I had no conviction of right and wrong at all. Now, 4 years later I am blessed beyond what I ever thought I could be. I am still struggling. I find myself too often dancing in sin and then feeling the stabbing guilt. I am taking a stand. Secretsey is a blog that I thought up as an idea to reveal my personal secret struggle against Satan. **IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH WHAT I POST IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD. THIS IS FOR ME TO DEAL WITH MY LIFE! I hope this can help others along the way who struggle like I do to realize they're not alone and that Jesus is walking with them just as he is walking with me. Keep ALL NEGATIVE comments to yourself. They will be removed!**  This is my first blog and it is my second step towards standing up against Satan's attempts to pull me from God. All prayers are appreciated and feel free to share your stories as I share mine. Be blessed world and take a stand! Amen.

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